
Miscellaneous components are loaded on demand, so you'll have to import specific CSS and JavaScript files to use each one.

Importing files

Using miscellaneous components with Studio

If you want to create forms using miscellaneous components, first you'll need to import the basic Style Guide files:

	<!DOCTYPE html>
		<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style-guide/css/fluig-style-guide.min.css">
		<script src="/portal/resources/js/jquery/jquery.js"></script>
		<script src="/portal/resources/js/jquery/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
		<script src="/portal/resources/js/mustache/mustache-min.js"></script>
		<script src="/style-guide/js/fluig-style-guide.min.js"></script>
			<div class="fluig-style-guide">
				<!--Some code here-->

After doing this, you'll just need to import the corresponding CSS and JavaScript files of each component in your form. You can find some examples in the documentation of each component below.


Add to calendar

AddToCalendar is a component to Calendar button and Event Management.

Basic configuration

        FLUIGC.addToCalendar(target, settings);

Creating addtocalendar with Developer Studio using the Style Guide

If you want to create forms and use the addtocalendar component, you'll need to import the minified CSS and JavaScript files.

    	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style-guide/css/fluig-style-guide-addtocalendar.min.css">
        <script src="/style-guide/js/fluig-style-guide-addtocalendar.min.js"></script>

Using addtocalendar in widgets

To use the addtocalendar component in widgets, you must inform the following line in the application.info file of your widget:


Live demo


	<div id="target"></div>


Below is the basic configuration to use Add to Calendar.

	FLUIGC.addToCalendar('#target', {
	    start: '01/02/2015 09:00 AM',
	    end: '01/02/2015 11:00 AM',
	    title: 'Title of the event',
	}, function(err, data) {
	    // DO SOMETHING (error or success)

Live demo


	<div id="target"></div>

Can be used a template

<script type="text/template" class="add-to-calendar-image-template">
	<img src="images/upload_image.png">

Below is the complete configuration to use Add to Calendar.

	var template = $('.add-to-calendar-image-template').html(),
	var data = {pathToImage: 'images/upload_image.png'};
	var htmlTemplate = Mustache.render(template, data);
	FLUIGC.addToCalendar('#target', {
	    start: '01/02/2015 09:00 AM',
	    end: '01/02/2015 11:00 AM',
	    title: 'Title of the event',
	    html: htmlTemplate,
        timezone: 'America/Sao_Paulo',
        description: '

Description of the event

', location: 'Eiffel Tower, Paris', organizer: 'John Johnson', organizer_email: 'your@email.com', facebook_event: 'https://www.facebook.com/events/000000000000000', all_day_event: 'false', advanced: { mouse : false, outlook : false, google : false, yahoo : true, outlookcom : false, appleical : false, facebook : false, dropdown : {order:"yahoo, facebook, appleical"} } }, function(err, data) { // DO SOMETHING (error or success) });

Settings to Object

The settings object has the following attributes:

Option Type Default Description
html String null This attribute accepts a html value. Thus, a picture replaced the default button.
start String MM/DD/YYYY Event start date. Mandatory. Format: "MM/DD/YYYY" or "DD/MM/YYYY".
end String MM/DD/YYYY Event end date. Mandatory. Format: "MM/DD/YYYY" or "DD/MM/YYYY".
timezone String null Timezone of the event, eg. "Europe/Paris".
title String null Title of the event. Mandatory.
description HTML '' Description of the event. Maximum 500 characters recommended.
location String '' Event location
organizer String '' Event organizer
organizer_email String '' Event organizer e-mail
facebook_event String '' Link to event on Facebook, eg. https://www.facebook.com/events/703782616363133
all_day_event Boolean false All day event, eg "true" or "false".
date_format String null Format of the date in "start" and "end", eg "MM/DD/YYYY". Values can be "MM/DD/YYYY" or "DD/MM/YYYY". If "date_format" is not specified, the default format "MM/DD/YYYY" will be applied. Mandatory.
advanced object '' Are the options passed to the extra script after the included script in “The Button”. Please see the "Settings to Object advanced" table.

The advanced settings are set for all component instances on the same screen.

Settings to Object advanced

The advanced object has the following attributes:

Name type default description
mouse Boolean false Show options dropdown on mouseover.
outlook Boolean true Show option in dropdown.
google Boolean true Show option in dropdown.
yahoo Boolean true Show option in dropdown.
outlookcom Boolean true Show option in dropdown.
appleical Boolean true Show option in dropdown.
facebook Boolean true Show option in dropdown. To use this feature, previously should be be created an event on facebook page. After creation, you must copy the url of the event and set it in the 'facebook_event' attribute. eg. https://www.facebook.com/events/703782616363133
dropdown Object '' Sort order of the items in the dropdown. eg. {order:"yahoo, facebook, appleical"}. The items of this object must be defined in 'advanced' attribute with the value true.


A slideshow component for cycling through elements, like a carousel. Nested carousels are not supported.

Basic configuration

	FLUIGC.carousel(target, settings);

Live demo

Creating carousel with Developer Studio using the Style Guide

If you want to create forms using the style guide and add the carousel component, you'll need to import the minified CSS and JavaScript files.

	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style-guide/css/fluig-style-guide-carousel.min.css">
	<script src="/style-guide/js/fluig-style-guide-carousel.min.js"></script>

Using carousel in widgets

To use carousel in widgets, you must inform the following line in the application.info file of your widget:



	<div id="carousel-example-generic"></div>

	var images = [
			src: './images/bnr-carousel-img-01.jpg',
			alt: 'First image',
			title: 'First image',
			description: 'First image description',
			linktarget: '_blank',
			linkhref: 'http://www.fluig.com',
			linktext: 'fluig'
			src: './images/bnr-carousel-img-02.jpg',
			alt: 'Second image',
			title: 'Second image',
			description: 'Second image description',
			linktarget: '_blank',
			linkhref: 'http://style.fluig.com',
			linktext: 'Style Guide'
	var settings = {
		id: 'myFluigCarouselExample',
		images: images,
		indicators: true,
		startIndex: 0,
		interval: 5000
	var carousel = FLUIGC.carousel('#carousel-example-generic', settings);

Carousel options

Option Type Default value Description
id string 'fluigCarousel_' + a random integer The id of the carousel.
images array of objects [] The array of images.
indicators boolean true The ol circle indicators for each image, placed near the bottom of the carousel.
startIndex integer 0 The array index of the first image to be loaded.
interval integer/boolean 5000 The amount of time to delay between automatically cycling an item. If false, carousel will not automatically cycle.
template string null The Mustache template, in HTML format, to be rendered on each node.
maxHeight string 400px The height of the gallery and the max-height of the images.
resize boolean false Resize the gallery according to the current image.
autoSize boolean false Resize the image to fill all available space.

Image object options

Option Type Description
src string The image URL.
alt string The image alternate text.
title string The image title
description string The image description
linktarget string If filled, defines which window will open page configured in linkhref.
linkhref string If filled, will be placed in the href="" attribute of an a tag, that behaves like a button.
linktext string The text of the a tag



Stops the carousel from cycling through items.


Cycles through the carousel items from left to right.


Cycles to the next item.


Cycles to the previous item.


Cycles the carousel to a particular frame (0 based, similar to an array).



This event fires when the slide instance method is invoked.

	carousel.on('fluig.carousel.slide', function(){
		// Do something

Using caption templates

In carousel, you can set a Mustache template to render inside the div class="caption" of each image.

	<script type="text/template" class="my_template_img_caption">
		<a class="btn btn-info btn-lg" href="{{linkhref}}">{{linktext}}</a>

Caption template demo

	<script type="text/template" class="my_caption_template_carousel">

	var images2 = [
			src: './images/bnr-carousel-img-01.jpg',
			alt: 'First image',
			templateTitle: 'Caption template first image'
			src: './images/bnr-carousel-img-02.jpg',
			alt: 'Second image',
			templateTitle: 'Caption template second image'
	var settings = {
		id: 'myFluigCarouselExample2',
		images: images2,
		indicators: true,
		startIndex: 0,
		interval: 5000,
		template: '.my_caption_template_carousel'
	var carousel = FLUIGC.carousel('#carousel-example-caption-template', settings);

Code Editor

The Code Editor component allows you to edit code directly over the web. It matches some features and performance of native editors such as Sublime, Vim and TextMate.

Basic configuration

	var editor = FLUIGC.codeeditor(target, settings);

Live demo

var x = 100; var text = "hello, world"; console.log(x); alert(text);
		<div id="editor" style="position:relative; width:width:100%; height:300px">
			var x = 100;
			var text = "hello, world";

	var editor = FLUIGC.codeeditor("editor");

Using Code Editor component with Developer Studio

If you want to add the Code Editor component in forms, you'll need to import the minified JavaScript file.

	<script src="/style-guide/js/fluig-style-guide-codeeditor.min.js"></script>

Using Code Editor in widgets

To use Code Editor in widgets, you must inform the following line in the application.info file of your widget:



	var settings = {
		theme: 'monokai',
		mode: 'javascript'

Option Type Default Description
theme String 'textmate' Allows to choose the theme of the editor. Themes available: textmate and monokai.
mode String 'javascript' Allows to choose the programming language that will be used in the editor. Programming languages available: javascript, html and css.



Sets the editor content



Get the editor content



Get selected text



Insert at cursor

	editor.insert("Something cool");


Get the current cursor line and column



Go to a line



Get total number of lines



Set the default tab size



Toggle word wrapping



Set line highlighting



Set the print margin visibility



Set the editor to read-only


Color Picker

Create color pickers directly from inputs.

Basic configuration

	FLUIGC.colorpicker(target, settings);

Live demo

Creating color pickers with Developer Studio using the Style Guide

If you want to create forms using the style guide and add the Color Picker component, you'll need to import the minified CSS and JavaScript files.

	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style-guide/css/fluig-style-guide-colorpicker.min.css">
	<script src="/style-guide/js/fluig-style-guide-colorpicker.min.js"></script>

Using Color Picker in widgets

To use Color Picker in widgets, you must inform the following line in the application.info file of your widget:



	<input class="form-control" id="colorpicker-example-generic" type="text" name="colorpicker-example-generic" value="#58595B" />

	var settings = {
		changeDelay: 200,
		control: 'wheel',
		defaultValue: '#58595b',
		inline: false,
		letterCase: 'lowercase',
		opacity: true,
		position: 'bottom left',
		customColorNames: {
			'mycustomcolor': '#123456'
	var myColorPicker = FLUIGC.colorpicker('#colorpicker-example-generic', settings);


Name Type Default value Description
changeDelay int 10 The time, in milliseconds, to defer the change event from firing while the user makes a selection. This is useful for preventing the change event from firing frequently as the user drags the color picker around. The default value is 0 (no delay). If your change callback features something resource-intensive (such as an AJAX request), you’ll probably want to set this to at least 200.
control string 'hue' Determines the type of control. Valid options are hue, brightness, saturation, and wheel.
defaultValue string '' To force a default color, set this to a valid hex string. When the user clears the control, it will revert to this color.
inline boolean false Set to true to force the color picker to appear inline.
letterCase string 'lowercase' Determines the letter case of the hex code value. Valid options are uppercase or lowercase.
opacity boolean false Set to true to enable the opacity slider (Use the input element's data-opacity attribute to set a preset value).
position string 'bottom left' Sets the position of the dropdown. Valid options are bottom left, bottom right, top left, and top right.
customColorNames object '' CSS has some defined color names, like red, blue and yellow. This options lets you give an object with some custom color names and their matching hex. For example: 'mycustomcolor': '#123456'. After you type 'mycustomcolor', it will change the input value to '#123456'.




Returns an object containing red, green, blue, and alpha properties that correspond to the control's current value.

	var rgbObject = myColorPicker.rgbObject();

.rgbString & .rgbaString

Returns an RGB or RGBA string suitable for use in your CSS.

	var rgbString = myColorPicker.rgbString();
	var rgbaString = myColorPicker.rgbaString();


Gets or sets a control's settings. If new settings are passed in, the control will destroy and re-initialize itself with any new settings overriding the old ones.

	var colorPickerSettings = myColorPicker.settings();


Gets or sets a control's color value. To use this method as a setter, pass data in as a hex value. (You can also obtain this value by checking the input element's value attribute.)

	var colorPickerValue = myColorPicker.value();


Returns the input element to its original, uninitialized state.




Fires when the value of the color picker changes.

	myColorPicker.on('fluig.colorpicker.change', function(data){
		console.log(data.element); //reference the original input element.


Fires when the color picker is shown.

	myColorPicker.on('fluig.colorpicker.show', function(data){
		console.log(data.element); //reference the original input element.


Fires when the color picker is hidden.

	myColorPicker.on('fluig.colorpicker.hide', function(data){
		console.log(data.element); //reference the original input element.


A simply image cropping component.

Basic configuration

	FLUIGC.cropper(target, settings);

Live demo

	<img id="cropper-generic-example" src="./images/bnr-carousel-img-01.jpg">

	var myCropper = FLUIGC.cropper('#cropper-generic-example');

Using cropper with Developer Studio

If you want to create forms and use the Cropper component, you'll need to import the minified CSS and JavaScript files.

	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style-guide/css/fluig-style-guide-cropper.min.css">
	<script src="/style-guide/js/fluig-style-guide-cropper.min.js"></script>

Using Cropper in widgets

To use the Cropper component in widgets, you must inform the following line in the application.info file of your widget:



	settings = {
	    aspectRatio: NaN,
	    data: null,
	    preview: '',
	    strict: true,
	    responsive: true,
	    checkImageOrigin: true,
	    modal: true,
	    guides: true,
	    center: true,
	    highlight: true,
	    background: true,
	    autoCrop: true,
	    autoCropArea: 0.8,
	    dragCrop: true,
	    movable: true,
	    rotatable: true,
	    scalable: true,
	    zoomable: true,
	    mouseWheelZoom: true,
	    wheelZoomRatio: 0.1,
		touchDragZoom: true,
	    cropBoxMovable: true,
	    cropBoxResizable: true,
	    doubleClickToggle: true,
	    minCanvasWidth: 0,
	    minCanvasHeight: 0,
	    minCropBoxWidth: 0,
	    minCropBoxHeight: 0,
	    minContainerWidth: 200,
	    minContainerHeight: 100,
	    build: null,
	    built: null,
	    cropstart: null,
	    cropmove: null,
	    cropend: null,
	    crop: null,
	    zoom: null

Option Type Default Description
aspectRatio Number NaN Set the aspect ratio of the crop box. By default, the crop box is free ratio.
data Object null The previous cropped data if you had stored, will be passed to setData method automatically.
preview String '' jQuery selector. Add extra elements (containers) for previewing. The maximum width is the initial width of preview container. The maximum height is the initial height of preview container. If you set an aspectRatio option, be sure to set the preview container with the same aspect ratio.
strict Boolean true In strict mode, the canvas (image wrapper) cannot be smaller than the container, and the crop box cannot be outside of the canvas (image wrapper).
responsive Boolean true Rebuild the cropper when resize the window.
modal Boolean true Show the black modal above the image and under the crop box.
guides Boolean true Show the dashed lines above the crop box.
center Boolean true Show the center indicator above the crop box.
highlight Boolean true Show the white modal above the crop box (highlight the crop box).
background Boolean true Show the grid background of the container.
autoCrop Boolean true Enable to crop the image automatically when initialize.
autoCropArea Number 0.8 (80% of the image) A number between 0 and 1. Define the automatic cropping area size (percentage).
dragCrop Boolean true Enable to remove the current crop box and create a new one by dragging over the image.
movable Boolean true Enable to move the image.
rotatable Boolean true Enable to rotate the image.
scalable Boolean true Enable to scale the image.
zoomable Boolean true Enable to zoom the image.
mouseWheelZoom Boolean true Enable to zoom the image by wheeling mouse.
wheelZoomRatio Number 0.1 Define zoom ratio when zoom the image by wheeling mouse.
touchDragZoom Boolean true Enable to zoom the image by dragging touch.
cropBoxMovable Boolean true Enable to move the crop box.
cropBoxResizable Boolean true Enable to resize the crop box.
doubleClickToggle Boolean true Enable to toggle drag mode between "crop" and "move" when double click on the cropper.
minContainerWidth Number 200 The minimum width of the container.
minContainerHeight Number 100 The minimum height of the container.
minCanvasWidth Number 0 The minimum width of the canvas (image wrapper).
minCanvasHeight Number 0 The minimum height of the canvas (image wrapper).
minCropBoxWidth Number 0 The minimum width of the crop box.
minCropBoxHeight Number 0 The minimum height of the crop box.
build Function null A shortcut of the "build.cropper" event.
built Function null A shortcut of the "built.cropper" event.
cropstart Function null A shortcut of the "cropstart.cropper" event.
cropmove Function null A shortcut of the "cropmove.cropper" event.
cropend Function null A shortcut of the "cropend.cropper" event.
crop Function null A shortcut of the "crop.cropper" event.
zoom Function null A shortcut of the "zoom.cropper" event.


Methods in the cropper component are used in a particular way, as shown in the example code below:

	var myCropperMethods = myCropper.initMethods();
	myCropperMethods.cropper('rotate', 45);

Saving the initMethods method

You'll need to save the initMethods() function into a variable (as shown above), and then use this variable plus the .cropper method to run the methods listed below.


Enable (unfreeze) the cropper.



Disable (freeze) the cropper.



Destroy the cropper and remove the instance from the image.



Reset the image and crop box to their initial states.



Clear the crop box.



Argument type: string. Replace the image's src and rebuild the cropper.

	myCropperMethods.cropper('replace', '/img/new-img.jpg');


Argument type: number. Receives a positive number to rotate clockwise, or a negative number to rotate counterclockwise.

	myCropperMethods.cropper('rotate', 45);


Argument type: number. Zoom in: requires a positive number (ratio > 0). Zoom out: requires a negative number (ratio < 0).

	myCropperMethods.cropper('zoom', 0.1);


Arguments type: number. The first argument moves the canvas in the horizontal direction. The second argument moves the canvas in vertical direction.

	myCropperMethods.cropper('move', 1, -1);


Arguments type: number. The first argument makes the scaling factor to apply on the abscissa of the image. The second argument makes the scaling factor to apply on the ordinate of the image.

	myCropperMethods.cropper('scale', 1, -1);


Output the cropped area position and size data (base on the original image). Pass a boolean argument as true to get rounded values.

Properties of the returned object:

  • x: the offset left of the cropped area
  • y: the offset top of the cropped area
  • width: the width of the cropped area
  • height: the height of the cropped area
  • rotate: the rotated degrees of the image
  • scaleX: the scaling factor to apply on the abscissa of the image
  • scaleY: the scaling factor to apply on the ordinate of the image
	myCropperMethods.cropper('getData'); //returns an object with rectangled values
	myCropperMethods.cropper('getData', true); //returns an object with rounded values


Argument type: Object. Change the cropped area position and size with new data (base on the original image). To construct the data, see the properties of the getData method.


Only available in strict mode.

	myCropperMethods.cropper('setData', data);


Returns the container size data (width and height).



Returns the image position, size and other related data.



Returns the canvas (image wrapper) position and size data (left, top, width and height).



Argument type: Object. Change the canvas (image wrapper) position and size with new data (left, top, width and height).

	myCropperMethods.cropper('setCanvasData', {left: 0, top: 0, width: 200, height: 100});


Returns the crop box position and size data (left, top, width and height).



Argument type: Object. Change the crop box position and size with new data (left, top, width and height).

	myCropperMethods.cropper('setCropBoxData', {left: 0, top: 0, width: 200, height: 100});


Functions (to run when events are triggered) should be passed as options within the construction of the Cropper component, as follows:

Option Type Default Description
build Function null A shortcut of the "build.cropper" event.
built Function null A shortcut of the "built.cropper" event.
cropstart Function null A shortcut of the "cropstart.cropper" event.
cropmove Function null A shortcut of the "cropmove.cropper" event.
cropend Function null A shortcut of the "cropend.cropper" event.
crop Function null A shortcut of the "crop.cropper" event.
zoom Function null A shortcut of the "zoom.cropper" event.

Below you can find the events description of the Cropper component.


This event fires when a cropper instance starts to load an image.

	build: function(){
		//Your code


This event fires when a cropper instance has built completely.

	built: function(){
		//Your code


This event fires when the canvas (image wrapper) or the crop box starts to change.

	cropstart: function(e){
		console.log(e.type); // cropstart
		console.log(e.namespace); // cropper
		console.log(e.action); // ...

		// Prevent to start cropping, moving, etc if necessary
 		if (e.action === 'crop') {


This event fires when the canvas (image wrapper) or the crop box is changing.

	cropmove: function(e){
		//See cropstart event


This event fires when the canvas (image wrapper) or the crop box stops to change.

	cropend: function(e){
		//See cropstart event


This event fires when the canvas (image wrapper) or the crop box changed.

	crop: function(e){
		// About these properties, see the getData method.


This event fires when a cropper instance starts to zoom in or zoom out its canvas (image wrapper). e.ratio: the current zoom ratio (ratio > 0 means zoom in, ratio < 0 means zoom out).

	zoom: function(e){
		var maxRatio = 10;
		var imageData = $(this).cropper('getImageData');
		var currentRatio = imageData.width / imageData.naturalWidth;

		// Zoom in
		if (e.ratio > 0 && currentRatio > maxRatio) {

			// Prevent zoom in
			// Fit the max zoom ratio
			$(this).cropper('setCanvasData', {
				width: imageData.naturalWidth * maxRatio
		// Zoom out
		// ...


It is a joint of two JavaScript components: Autocomplete and Datatable. They were combined to provide a solution where the user can compare between a set of results using the Datatable, then select the ones to fill in the autocomplete input.

Basic configuration

	FLUIGC.filter(target, settings);

Live demo with REST

Creating filter with Developer Studio using the Style Guide

If you want to create forms using the style guide and add the filter component, you'll need to import the minified CSS and JavaScript files.

	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style-guide/css/fluig-style-guide-filter.min.css">
	<script src="/style-guide/js/fluig-style-guide-filter.min.js"></script>

Using filter in widgets

To use filter in widgets, you must inform the following line in the application.info file of your widget:




	<!--The input text element, to be transformed in a filter.-->
	<input id="filter-example-generic" type="text" name="filter-example-generic"/>

In JavaScript with REST

	var settings = {
		source: {
			url: '/example/rest',
			contentType: 'application/json',
			root: 'content',
			pattern: '',
			limit: 10,
			offset: 0,
			patternKey: 'pattern',
			limitkey: 'limit',
			offsetKey: 'offset'
		displayKey: 'name',
		multiSelect: true,
		style: {
			autocompleteTagClass: 'tag-gray',
			tableSelectedLineClass: 'info'
		table: {
			header: [
					'title': 'ID',
					'size': 'col-xs-3'
					'title': 'Name',
					'size': 'col-xs-9',
					'dataorder': 'name',
					'standard': true
			renderContent: ['id', 'name']

	var filter = FLUIGC.filter('#filter-example-generic', settings);

Live demo with source array


	<input id="filter-example-array" type="text" name="filter-example-array"/>

In JavaScript with source array

	var source = [{
		company: 'Wonka Industries',
		id: 1
	}, {
		company: 'Acme Corp',
		id: 2
	}, {
		company: 'Stark Industries',
		id: 3
	}, {
		company: 'Ollivander\'s Wand Shop',
		id: 4
	}, {
		company: 'Wayne Enterprises',
		id: 5
	}, {
		company: 'Cheers',
		id: 6
	}, {
		company: 'Gekko & Co',
		id: 7

	var settingsExampleArray = {
		source: source,
		displayKey: 'company',
		multiSelect: true,
		style: {
			autocompleteTagClass: 'tag-gray',
			tableSelectedLineClass: 'info'
		table: {
			header: [{
				'title': 'company',
				'size': 'col-xs-9',
				'dataorder': 'company',
				'standard': true
			renderContent: ['company']

	var filter = FLUIGC.filter('#filter-example-array', settingsExampleArray);

Using with Datasets


	initFilter: function() {

		var users = this.getDatasetUsers();

		var settingsExampleDataset = {
			source: users,
			displayKey: 'colleagueName',
			multiSelect: true,
			style: {
				autocompleteTagClass: 'tag-gray',
				tableSelectedLineClass: 'info'
			table: {
				header: [{
					'title': 'colleagueName',
					'size': 'col-xs-9',
					'dataorder': 'colleagueName',
					'standard': true
				renderContent: ['colleagueName']
		var filter = FLUIGC.filter('#filter-example-dataset', settingsExampleDataset);

	getDatasetUsers: function() {

		try {
				// Busca o dataset de usuários
				var dataset = DatasetFactory.getDataset('colleague');
				var users = dataset.values;
				return users;
		} catch(error) {
				return [];



Name Required Type Default value Description
displayKey Required string 'value' For a given suggestion object, determines the string representation of it. This will be used when setting the value of the input control after a suggestion is selected. Can be either a key string or a function that transforms a suggestion object into a string. When a local array is used, this key is used to make the filter pattern.
style Optional object undefined Receives an object containing the style options of the component. More information at the following section "Style options".
table Required object undefined Receives an object containing the settings for the rendered datatable. More information at the following section "Table options".
tableHeight Optional string '260px' The height of the container of the table.
source Required object undefined Receives an object with the settings for the listing service or a local array. More info.
multiSelect Optional boolean false Allows multiple items.
searchTimeout Optional number 200 Receives the waiting time to make the request. This is important not to open a request for each character typed.
minLength Optional number 1 The minimum character length needed before suggestions start getting rendered.
tagMaxWidth Optional string or number 200 Maximum size of the tag (without regard to remove).

Table options

Name Type Default value Description
header object '' Explained better at the following section "Settings to array of objects header".
formatData function '' Function to process the data before they are rendered, thus being able to format them if necessary;
renderContent array or string '' This attribute is required, can be an array with the keys of the object or CSS class of a mustache template.

Settings to array of objects header

The settings object has the following attributes:

Name type default description
title string '' Title for the table header.
dataorder string '' Value that will be sent to the server for ordering. This value is concatenated with ASC or DESC.
standard boolean '' Default value ordering.
size string '' Define a CSS class to apply to the column width. Ex .: 'col-md-2'.
display boolean true If this attribute is set to "false", this column will be hidden.

Source option

The source option can receive an object with the REST settings or a local array with the objects that will be listed.


When using a local array, the component does not enable pagination.

Name Type Description
url string Used to indicate the URL of the API access.
contentType string Used to indicate the resource file type. Example: application/json
root string Used to indicate the primary property of the API return where the values to be listed are located. Example: content.
pattern string Used to indicate the value that the filter will be made in the API.
limit number Used to indicate the threshold value of items returned in the search. Example: 10.
offset number Used to indicate the search start value. Example: 0.
patternKey string Used to indicate the name of the key that will be made the filter in the API. Example: pattern.
limitkey string Used to indicate the name of the key that will be made the limit of items returned in the search. Example: limit.
offsetKey string Used to indicate the name of the key that will be the beginning of the search. Example: offset.

Style options

Name Type Default value Description
templateTag string '' The selector for the autocomplete tag template.
templateSuggestion string '' The selector for the autocomplete suggestion template.
templateTipMessage string '' The selector for the autocomplete tip message template.
autocompleteTagClass string 'tag-gray' Classname for the tags.
tableSelectedLineClass string '' CSS class used to table selected lines.
tableStyle string '' Receives the waiting time to make the request. This is important not to open a request for each character typed.
filterIconClass string 'fluigicon-zoom-in' Defines a CSS class to apply to the table. Ex .: 'table-hover table-bordered table-striped'.



Adds a tag.

	var item = {name: 'Brazil'};


Removes all tags.



Return tags items in input.



Reload the filter component with new settings.

	var settings = {
		/* New settings component filter */


Applies the focus event to the component by opening the list of suggestions for searching.



Disables the filter component, not allowing the tags to be edited.

	// Enabling



Open the list of suggestions for searching.



Close the list of suggestions for searching.


	<div class="row">
		<div class="col-md-12">
			<input id="filter-example-methods" type="text" name="filter-example-methods"/>
	<div class="row">
		<div class="col-md-12">
			<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-filter-add-item>Add item</button>
			<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-filter-remove-all>Remove all</button>
			<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-filter-get-selected-items>Get selected items</button>
			<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-filter-reload>Reload</button>
			<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-filter-focus>Focus</button>
			<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-filter-disable>Disable</button>
			<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-filter-enable>Enable</button>
			<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-filter-open>Open</button>
			<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-filter-close>Close</button>

	var filterExampleMethods = FLUIGC.filter('#filter-example-methods', settings);
	/* method: add(item) */
	$(document).on('click', '[data-filter-add-item]', function(ev) {
		var item = {
			name: 'Brazil'
	/* method: removeAll() */
	$(document).on('click', '[data-filter-remove-all]', function(ev) {

	/* method: getSelectedItems() */
	$(document).on('click', '[data-filter-get-selected-items]', function(ev) {
		var items = filterExampleMethods.getSelectedItems();

			title: 'Item selected: ',
			message: JSON.stringify(items),
			type: 'success'

	/* method: reload(settings) */
	$(document).on('click', '[data-filter-reload]', function(ev) {

	/* method: focus() */
	$(document).on('click', '[data-filter-focus]', function(ev) {

	/* method: disable(true) */
	$(document).on('click', '[data-filter-disable]', function(ev) {

	/* method: disable(false) */
	$(document).on('click', '[data-filter-enable]', function(ev) {

	/* method: open() */
	$(document).on('click', '[data-filter-open]', function(ev) {

	/* method: close() */
	$(document).on('click', '[data-filter-close]', function(ev) {


Avoid two filters in the same parent

The events listener of each filter is the first parent HTML element of it. If you have two filters in the same parent, you must put each one inside a particular span. Otherwise, the event will trigger to both.


Triggered just after the filter component is ready.

	filter.on('fluig.filter.load.complete', function() {
		//Do something


Triggered just after an item got added.

	filter.on('fluig.filter.item.added', function(data) {
		//Do something


Triggered just after an item got added.

	filter.on('fluig.filter.beforeItemAdd', function() {
		//Do something


Triggered just after an item got added.

	filter.on('fluig.filter.selected', function() {
		//Do something


Triggered just after an item got removed.

	filter.on('fluig.filter.beforeItemRemove', function() {
		//Do something


Triggered just after an item got removed.

	filter.on('fluig.filter.itemRemoved', function() {
		//Do something


Triggered just after the filter component is closed.

	filter.on('fluig.filter.blur', function() {
		//Do something


Triggered just after the filter component is closed.

	filter.on('fluig.filter.closed', function() {
		//Do something


Triggered just after the filter component is opened or clicked.

	filter.on('fluig.filter.focus', function() {
		//Do something


Triggered just after the filter component is opened or clicked.

	filter.on('fluig.filter.opened', function() {
		//Do something

	<input id="filter-example-generic2" type="text" name="filter-example-generic"/>

	var filter2 = FLUIGC.filter('#filter-example-generic2', settings);

	filter2.on('fluig.filter.load.complete', function () {
		var item = { name: 'Argentina' };

	filter2.on('fluig.filter.item.added', function (data) {
			title: 'Item selected: ',
			message: data.item.name,
			type: 'success'

Organizational Chart

Organizational Chart forks the jQuery Org Chart plugin, providing a Style Guide user interface to show companies' organizational charts.

Basic configuration

	FLUIGC.orgChart(target, settings);

Live demo

Creating organizational charts with Developer Studio using the Style Guide

If you want to create forms using the style guide and add the organizational chart component, you'll need to import the minified CSS and JavaScript files.

	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style-guide/css/fluig-style-guide-orgchart.min.css">
	<script src="/style-guide/js/fluig-style-guide-orgchart.min.js"></script>

Using organizational charts in widgets

To use organizational charts in widgets, you must inform the following line in the application.info file of your widget:




	<div id="orgChart"> </div> <!--The target, where the organizational chart will be placed.-->

In JavaScript

ID parameter

The ID parameter must be declared to each of the objects, otherwise, the organizational chart will not work.

	var testData = [
	    {id: 1, img: './images/logo-demo-map.png', name: 'My Organization', parent: 0},
	    {id: 2, img: './images/user_picture.png', name: 'Person 1', description: "CEO", parent: 1},
	    {id: 3, img: './images/user_picture.png', name: 'Person 2', description: "Division 1 VP", parent: 2},
	    {id: 4, img: './images/user_picture.png', name: 'Person 3', description: "Division 2 VP", parent: 2},
	    {id: 6, img: './images/user_picture.png', name: 'Person 4', description: "Division 1 Director", parent: 3},
	    {id: 7, img: './images/user_picture.png', name: 'Person 5', description: "Division 1 Director", parent: 3},
	    {id: 8, img: './images/user_picture.png', name: 'Person 6', description: "Division 2 Director", parent: 4}
	var settings = {
	    data: testData
	var testOrgChart = FLUIGC.orgChart('#orgChart', settings);
	testOrgChart.on('fluig.orgchart.node.click', function(node){
	        title: 'Node clicked: ',
	        message: node.data.name,
	        type: 'success'


Name Type Description
data Array of objects The nodes of the organizational chart.
template string Optional, the Mustache template, in HTML format, to be rendered on each node.



Add elements to the organizational chart.

Example: Adding 3 child elements to the "Division 1 Director" node:

	var dataChildren = [
	    {id: 7, img: './images/user_picture.png', name: 'Person 7', description: "Division 1 Manager", parent: 6},
	    {id: 8, img: './images/user_picture.png', name: 'Person 8', description: "Division 1 Manager", parent: 6},
	    {id: 9, img: './images/user_picture.png', name: 'Person 9', description: "Division 1 Manager", parent: 6}


Remove child elements from the specified node.

Example: Removing childs from the "Division 1 Director" node:


Methods demo

	var testOrgChart2 = FLUIGC.orgChart('#orgChart2', settings);
	testOrgChart2.on('fluig.orgchart.node.click', function(node){
		if(node.children.length == 0){
			var dataChilds = [
			    {id: Math.ceil(Math.random()*1000), img: './images/user_picture.png', name: 'Person', description: "Analyst", parent: node.data.id},
			    {id: Math.ceil(Math.random()*1000), img: './images/user_picture.png', name: 'Person', description: "Analyst", parent: node.data.id},
			    {id: Math.ceil(Math.random()*1000), img: './images/user_picture.png', name: 'Person', description: "Analyst", parent: node.data.id}



This event is fired when a node is clicked, and returns the clicked node object.

	testOrgChart2.on('fluig.orgchart.node.click', function(node){
		// Do something

Using templates

In organizational charts, you can set a template to render inside of each node, instead of using the default template.

	<script type="text/template" class="my_template_orgchart">
		<div class="media">
			{{#img}}<a class="pull-left" href="#"><img class="img-rounded media-object" src="{{img}}"></a>{{/img}}
			<div class="media-body">
				{{#name}}<h4 class="media-heading">{{name}}</h4>{{/name}}

	var testDataTemplate = [
	    {id: 1, img: './images/logo-demo-map.png', name: 'My Organization', parent: 0},
	    {id: 2, img: './images/user_picture.png', name: 'Person 1', description: "CEO", email: 'person1@fluig.com', parent: 1},
	    {id: 3, img: './images/user_picture.png', name: 'Person 2', description: "Division 1 VP", email: 'person2@fluig.com', parent: 2},
	    {id: 4, img: './images/user_picture.png', name: 'Person 3', description: "Division 2 VP", email: 'person3@fluig.com', parent: 2},
	    {id: 6, img: './images/user_picture.png', name: 'Person 4', description: "Division 1 Director", email: 'person4@fluig.com', parent: 3},
	    {id: 7, img: './images/user_picture.png', name: 'Person 5', description: "Division 1 Director", email: 'person5@fluig.com', parent: 3},
	    {id: 8, img: './images/user_picture.png', name: 'Person 6', description: "Division 2 Director", email: 'person6@fluig.com', parent: 4}
	var settingsTemplate = {
	    data: testDataTemplate,
	    template: '.my_template_orgchart'
	var testOrgChartTemplate = FLUIGC.orgChart('#orgChartTemplate', settingsTemplate);
	testOrgChartTemplate.on('fluig.orgchart.node.click', function(node){
	        title: 'Node clicked: ',
	        message: node.data.name,
	        type: 'success'


Component for playing some videos in the system.

Basic configuration

	FLUIGC.player(target, urlVideo);

Live demo

Using videos with Developer Studio using the Style Guide

If you want to create forms using the style guide and add the player component, you'll need to import the minified CSS and JavaScript files.

	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style-guide/css/fluig-style-guide-player.min.css">
	<script src="/style-guide/js/fluig-style-guide-player.min.js"></script>

Video formats

Browser ogg mp4 webm m3u8 flv avi wmv
Internet Explorer - 9.0 - - 9.0 9.0 9.0
Firefox 3.5 35.0 4.0 - 35.0 - -
Chrome 3.0 3.0 6.0 - 3.0 - -

Windows Media Player plugin.

The .avi and .wmv video formats are supported only in Internet Explorer, which uses a plugin windows media player to run. The width and height settings are specific to the native plugin.

Using player in widgets

To use player in widgets, you must inform the following line in the application.info file of your widget:



	// usage with SuperWidget
	// variable local of the widget which will be stored the component instance
	myPlayer: null,
	init: function() {
		// storing the component instance
		this.myPlayer = FLUIGC.player('#player-example', './videos/player-example.mp4', {
			fullscreen: false,
			volume: 0.5
	functionResume: function() {
		// Resume the video
	functionPause: function() {
		// Pause the video
			// action on pause video

There is another way to use the player, but you may not use the options and methods with it. Check out the example:
	<div class="flowplayer">
	      <source src="./videos/player-example.mp4">

Keyboard options

Key Action
space play/pause
esc stop
shift + left/right arrow slower/faster
up/down arrow volume
m mute
left/right arrow seek

Player options

Option Type Default value Description
muted boolean false Whether player should start in muted state. Use this option instead of the muted.
volume decimal (Range 0 - 1) 1 The initial volume level.
debug boolean false Show debug messages on the console. Causes errors if window.console is not present.
fullscreen boolean true Whether fullscreen is enabled.
ratio decimal 1/2 A decimal number representing the height of the player in proportion to its width. You usually want to change this setting for videos with a different aspect ratio than 1/2. You can override this by explicitly setting the height CSS property for the container in which case the player height stays the same on all devices and screen sizes.
bufferTime int 3 Specifies how long to buffer messages before starting to display the stream. Affects the Flash engine only.
autoplay boolean false Will start the playback automatically.
width int 350 Sets the width of the player, only when using the windows media player plugin (.avi and .wmv formats in internet explorer).
height int 300 Sets the height of the player, only when using the windows media player plugin (.avi and .wmv formats in internet explorer)



Toggles between native fullscreen mode and initial screen size. When native fullscreen support is not present the player expands to the full size of the browser window. Note: Many browsers allow this method to work only from events which are triggered by user interaction, like "click", and not for example from player events like "ready" which happen at moments undetermined by the user.



mute() without argument toggles between muted and normal state. mute(true) mutes and mute(false) unmutes.



Plays the clip of a playlist specified in the zero based index argument. For example: play(0) plays the first clip.



Resumes playback.



Pauses playback and seeks to the beginning of the video.



Set the volume level to a decimal value between 0 (no volume) - 1 (full volume).



Pauses playback.


.speed(rate, callback)

Sets the speed level to the given rate. 1 = normal speed less than 1 = slow motion greater than 1 = fast forward The callback is executed once after the speed has changed.

	myPlayer.speed(1, function(){});

Rating Stars

Ratings stars displays icons to user select the best option with the related issue.

Basic configuration

        FLUIGC.stars(target, settings);

Live demo

Creating rating stars with Developer Studio using the Style Guide

If you want to create forms using the style guide and add the rating component, you'll need to import the minified JavaScript file.

        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style-guide/css/fluig-style-guide-ratingstars.min.css">
        <script src="/style-guide/js/fluig-style-guide-ratingstars.min.js"></script>

Using rating stars in widgets

To use rating stars in widgets, you must inform the following line in the application.info file of your widget:




        <div class="my-rating"></div> <!--The element to be transformed.-->

In JavaScript

        FLUIGC.stars(".my-rating", {
            stars: 5,
            // Other options


Name Required Type Default value Description
stars Optional number 5 Max number of stars to be selected
value Optional number 0 Number of stars to initialize as selected
text Optional array of strings undefined Each string is the description for each star
color Optional string Fluig color Icon font color
sizeClass Optional string icon-sm Icon size class
emptyIcon Optional string fluigicon fluigicon-star-empty Icon font class when not selected
filledIcon Optional string fluigicon fluigicon-star Icon font class when selected

Stars numbers

        FLUIGC.stars(".rating-numbers", {
            stars: 8,
            value: 3,
            text: ['Star 1', 'Star 2', 'Star 3', 'Star 4', 'Star 5', 'Star 6', 'Star 7', 'Star 8']

Using other icons

        FLUIGC.stars(".other-rating-icons", {
            emptyIcon: 'fluigicon fluigicon-exclamation-sign',
            filledIcon: 'fluigicon fluigicon-exclamation-sign-on',


.on(event, callback)

Attach an event handler function for events.

        var starsCallback = FLUIGC.stars(".rating-callback");
        starsCallback.on("click", function(obj) {
                title: 'Node clicked!',
                message: "Callback from star!",
                type: 'success'


Component for playing some sounds in the system.

Basic configuration


Available sounds

Using sounds with Developer Studio using the Style Guide

If you want to create forms using the style guide and add the sounds component, you'll need to import the minified CSS and JavaScript files.

	<script src="/style-guide/js/fluig-style-guide-sounds.min.js"></script>

Using sounds in widgets

To use sounds in widgets, you must inform the following line in the application.info file of your widget:



	// usage with SuperWidget
	// variable local of the widget which will be stored the component instance
	mySound: null,
	init: function() {
		// storing the component instance
		this.mySound = FLUIGC.sounds('fluigsounds-drop');
	someFuncNotify: function() {
		// playing the sound



Play sound.



Pause sound.



Stop sound.



Increase volume sound.



Decrease volume sound.



Mute sound.


Tags Cloud

The Tags Cloud is a plugin that builds word clouds.

Basic configuration

        FLUIGC.tagscloud(target, words, settings);

Creating tagscloud with Developer Studio using the Style Guide

If you want to create forms and use the tagscloud component, you'll need to import the minified CSS and JavaScript files.

    	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style-guide/css/fluig-style-guide-tagscloud.min.css">
        <script src="/style-guide/js/fluig-style-guide-tagscloud.min.js"></script>

Using tagscloud in widgets

To use the tagscloud component in widgets, you must inform the following line in the application.info file of your widget:


Live demo

No conf

Default configuration, no special parameters for words.


The minimum height is 300px. This property is default if the value of the height is smaller or not informed.

 	<div id="cloud"></div>


	var words = [
						{text: "Lorem", weight: 13},
						{text: "Ipsum", weight: 10.5},
						{text: "Dolor", weight: 9.4},
						{text: "Sit", weight: 8},
						{text: "Amet", weight: 6.2},
						{text: "Consectetur", weight: 5},
						{text: "Adipiscing", weight: 4.5},
						{text: "elit", weight: 3},
						{text: "sed", weight: 3.5},
						{text: "eiusmod", weight: 2.4},
						{text: "tempor", weight: 8},
						{text: "labore", weight: 5},
						{text: "dolore", weight: 8},
						{text: "magna", weight: 7}

Live demo


The three biggest words have links.


 	<div id="cloud"></div>


Below is the basic configuration to use Tags Cloud.

	var words = [
						{{text: "Lorem", weight: 13, link: '#'},
						{text: "Ipsum", weight: 10.5, link: '#'},
						{text: "Dolor", weight: 9.4, link: '#'},
						/* ... */

Live demo


This cloud is rectangular!

		FLUIGC.tagscloud('#cloud',words, {
			shape: 'rectangular'

Live demo

Custom colors & size via JS

A custom array of colors is given to the plugin in addition to min and max font size.


	FLUIGC.tagscloud('#cloud',words, {
  classPattern: null,
  colors: ["#800026", "#bd0026", "#e31a1c", "#fc4e2a", "#fd8d3c", "#feb24c", "#fed976", "#ffeda0", "#ffffcc"],
  fontSize: {
    from: 0.1,
    to: 0.02

Live demo

Event handlers

A click event is attached to the first word.


	var words = [
  {text: "Lorem", weight: 13, handlers: {
    click: function() {
      alert('You clicked the word !');
  {text: "Ipsum", weight: 10.5},
  {text: "Dolor", weight: 9.4},
  /* ... */


Live demo


Click the "Update" button to remove some words from the list, with non null delay.


	var words = [
						{{text: "Lorem", weight: 13, link: '#'},
						{text: "Ipsum", weight: 10.5, link: '#'},
						{text: "Dolor", weight: 9.4, link: '#'},
						/* ... */
	var intanceTagsCloug = FLUIGC.tagscloud('#cloud',words);
		$('#update-demo').on('click', function() {


Cloud options

You can provide an object of options has second parameter.

		FLUIGC.tagscloud('#cloud', words, {
  			width: 500,
  			height: 350

Name Type Default value Description
width integer Fixed width of the container, will default to container current width
height integer Fixed height of the container, will default to container current height
center object {x: 0.5, y:0.5} Position of the center of the cloud relatively to the container
autoResize boolean false If the container has dynamic dimensions, set this option to true to update the cloud when the window is resized
steps integer 10 Number of "steps" to map the words on, depending on their weight (see Colors & sizes section)
classPattern string 'w{n}' Pattern used to generate the CSS class added to each word. {n} is replaced by the weight of the word (from 1 to steps)
afterCloudRender function null Function called after the whole cloud is fully rendered. this is the container jQuery object
delay integer 0 or 10 Number of milliseconds to wait between each word draw. Defaults to 10 if there are 50 words or more to avoid browser freezing during rendering. Can also be used for neat display animation!
shape string 'elliptic' Cloud shape, 'elliptic' or 'rectangular'
removeOverflowing boolean true Don't render words which would overflow the container
encodeURI boolean true Encode special characters in words link
colors array | function [] Colors used instead of CSS declaration (see Colors & sizes section), can be:
  • An array of colors from most to less important
  • A function taking a step number as only parameter and returning a valid CSS color
fontSize array | function [] Text sizes used instead of CSS declaration (see Colors & sizes section), can be:
  • An array of sizes (px, em or %) from most to less important
  • An object with from and to values, expressed in fraction of container width (eg: 0.1, 0.04)
  • A function taking the container width, the container height and a step number as parameters and returning a valid CSS font size

Colors & sizes

There are two ways to customize the cloud look and feel: pure CSS or JS configuration.

CSS customization

The plugin will add to each word of the cloud a CSS class based on classPattern. There will be steps classes. With the default configuration these classes are w10, w9, w8, w7, w6, w5, w4, w3, w2, w1.

The included CSS file jqcloud.css is intended as an example and a base on which you can develop your own style.

JS customization

colors and fontSize parameters to directly inform the plugin which style to apply to the words./p>



Use the update method to dynamically change the list of words in the cloud.

	var myInstance = FLUIGC.tagscloud('#cloud',words);


Completely destroy the cloud and it's data.

	var myInstance = FLUIGC.tagscloud('#cloud',words);


Basic configuration

	FLUIGC.treeview(target, settings);

Live demo

	<div id="myTreeview">
		<ul id="treeData" style="display: none;">
      <li id="id1" title="Look, a tool tip!">item1 with key and tooltip
      <li id="id2">item2
      <li id="id3" class="folder">Folder <em>with some</em> children
          <li id="id3.1">Sub-item 3.1
              <li id="id3.1.1">Sub-item 3.1.1
              <li id="id3.1.2">Sub-item 3.1.2
          <li id="id3.2">Sub-item 3.2
              <li id="id3.2.1">Sub-item 3.2.1
              <li id="id3.2.2">Sub-item 3.2.2
      <li id="id4" class="expanded">Document with some children (expanded on init)
          <li id="id4.1"  class="active focused">Sub-item 4.1 (active and focus on init)
              <li id="id4.1.1">Sub-item 4.1.1
              <li id="id4.1.2">Sub-item 4.1.2
          <li id="id4.2">Sub-item 4.2
              <li id="id4.2.1">Sub-item 4.2.1
              <li id="id4.2.2">Sub-item 4.2.2

	var myTreeview = FLUIGC.treeview('#myTreeview');

Creating treeviews with Developer Studio using the Style Guide

If you want to create forms using the style guide and add the treeview component, you'll need to import the minified CSS and JavaScript files.

	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style-guide/css/fluig-style-guide-treeview.min.css">
	<script src="/style-guide/js/fluig-style-guide-treeview.min.js"></script>

Using treeviews in widgets

To use treeviews in widgets, you must inform the following line in the application.info file of your widget:


REST example

Expected data

The ajax service is expected to return valid JSON data:

	[{"title": "Node 1", "key": "1"},
	 {"title": "Folder 2", "key": "2", "folder": true, "children": [
	    {"title": "Node 2.1", "key": "3"},
	    {"title": "Node 2.2", "key": "4"}

Passing Tree Meta Data

It is possible to pass additional tree meta-data along with the list of children:

		  foo: "bar",
		  baz: 17,
		  children: [
		    {title: "Node 1", key: "1"},
		    {title: "Folder 2", key: "2", folder: true, children: [
		      {title: "Node 2.1", key: "3"},
		      {title: "Node 2.2", key: "4"}

The additional properties will be added to the trees data object:

		alert(tree.data.foo); // "bar"

Handle custom data formats

To handle custom data formats (like the given example), the formatData callback allows to modify node data before it is added to the tree. data contains a reference to original data as returned by the ajax request. It may be modified in-place.

	var formatData = function(ev, data) {
		for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
			data.content[i].title = data.content[i].name;
			data.content[i].key = data.content[i].code;
		return data.content;

	var settings2 = {
		showCheckbox : false,
		source : {
			url : './sample-list',
			contentType : 'application/json',
			pattern : '',
			limit : 10,
			offset : 0
		formatData : formatData
	var myTreeview2 = FLUIGC.treeview('#myTreeview2', settings2);

Example with array of objects, lazy load and drag n' drop

	<div id="myTreeview3"></div>

	var settings3 = {
		source : [{
			title : "Planets",
			key : "1",
			folder : true,
			children : [{
				title : "Mercury",
				key : "3",
				iconclass : "fluigicon fluigicon-globe"
			}, {
				title : "Venus",
				key : "4",
				iconclass : "fluigicon fluigicon-globe"
			}, {
				title : "Earth",
				key : "5",
				iconclass : "fluigicon fluigicon-globe"
			}, {
				title : "Mars",
				key : "6",
				iconclass : "fluigicon fluigicon-globe"
			}, {
				title : "Jupiter",
				key : "7",
				iconclass : "fluigicon fluigicon-globe"
			}, {
				title : "Saturn",
				key : "8",
				iconclass : "fluigicon fluigicon-globe"
			}, {
				title : "Uranus",
				key : "9",
				iconclass : "fluigicon fluigicon-globe"
			}, {
				title : "Neptune",
				key : "10",
				iconclass : "fluigicon fluigicon-globe"
		}, {
			title : "Countries",
			key : "2",
			folder : true,
			lazy : true
		formatData : formatData,
		lazyLoad : function(event, data) {
			data.result = {
				url : "./sample-list",
				contentType : 'application/json',
				data : {
					//Your options to the rest service
		draggable: {
			enabled: true,
			onDrop : function(node, data) {
				return true;
	var myTreeview3 = FLUIGC.treeview('#myTreeview3', settings3);

Applying style to the dragging element

	<div id="myTreeview4"></div>

	var settings4 = {
		showCheckbox: false,
		source: {
			url: './sample-list',
			contentType: 'application/json',
			pattern: '',
			limit: 10,
			offset: 0
		formatData: formatData,
		draggable: {
			enabled: true,
			onDragStart: function (node, data) {
				// Apply the bg-success class to the dragging element
	var myTreeview4 = FLUIGC.treeview('#myTreeview4', settings4);

Treeview options

Name Type Default value Description
icons Object As shown in the example code above Allows to modify the default treeview icons.
draggagle Object {enabled : false, onDrop : null, onDragStart : null, onDragEnter : null } Receives an object to manage or drag and drop elements. Read the detailed documentation (Treeview draggagle option) below.
source Array or Object null The array of objects or the Ajax settings object.
showIcons Boolean true Show or hide icons.
keyboard Boolean true Allows navigation with the keyboard.
multiSelect Boolean false Allows multiple selection.
formatData Object null Allows to modify node data before it is added to the tree. data contains a reference to original data as returned by the ajax request.
lazyLoad function null Single nodes may be marked 'lazy'. These nodes will generate ajax request when expanded for the first time. Lazy loading allows to present hierarchical structures of infinite size in an efficient way.

Treeview draggagle option

Name Type Default value Description
enabled Boolean false Allows drag and drop.
onDragStart function null Method called when starting drag and drop.
onDragEnter function null Method called when passing the dragged element over another element.
onDrop function null Method called when dropping the dragged element onto another element.
	var settings = {
		icons : {
			doc : "fluigicon fluigicon-file",
			docOpen : "fluigicon fluigicon-file",
			checkbox : "fluigicon fluigicon-unchecked",
			checkboxSelected : "fluigicon fluigicon-checked",
			checkboxUnknown : "fluigicon fluigicon-share",
			dragHelper : "fluigicon fluigicon-play",
			dropMarker : "fluigicon fluigicon-arrow-right",
			error : "fluigicon fluigicon-warning-sign",
			expanderClosed : "fluigicon fluigicon-plus-sign",
			expanderLazy : "fluigicon fluigicon-plus-sign", // fluigicon-expand
			expanderOpen : "fluigicon fluigicon-minus-sign", // fluigicon-collapse-down
			folder : "fluigicon fluigicon-folder-close",
			folderOpen : "fluigicon fluigicon-folder-open",
			loading : "fluigicon fluigicon-time"
		draggable : {
			enabled : false,
			onDrop : null
		source : null,
		showIcons : true,
		showCheckbox : false,
		keyboard : true,
		multiSelect : true,
		formatData : null,
		lazyLoad : null

Node options

Name Type Description
children Array Optional array of child nodes.
data Object All unknown properties from constructor will be copied to 'node.data'.
expanded Boolean Initial expansion state.
focus Boolean (Initialization only, but will not be stored with the node).
folder Boolean Folders have different default icons.
hideCheckbox Boolean Remove checkbox for this node.
icon Boolean | String Boolean value overrides the tree option of the same name. A string value is used as 'src' attribute for a img tag.
iconclass String Class names added to the node icon markup to allow custom icons or glyphs (separate with space, e.g. "fluigicon fluigicon-user").
key String Unique key for this node (auto-generated if omitted)
lazy Boolean Lazy folders call the 'lazyLoad' on first expand to load their children.
selected Boolean Initial selection state.
title String Node text (may contain HTML tags).
tooltip String Will be added as 'title' attribute, thus enabling a tooltip.
unselectable Boolean Prevent selection using mouse or keyboard.



'data.content.node' was activated.

	myTreeview.on('fluig.treeview.activate', function(data){


'data.content.node' is about to be (de)activated. Return false to prevent default processing.

	myTreeview.on('fluig.treeview.beforeActivate', function(data){


'data.content.node' is about to tbe collapsed/expanded. Return false to prevent default processing.

	myTreeview.on('fluig.treeview.beforeExpand', function(data){


'data.content.node' is about to tbe (de)selected. Return false to prevent default processing.

	myTreeview.on('fluig.treeview.beforeSelect', function(data){


'data.content.node' lost keyboard focus.

	myTreeview.on('fluig.treeview.blur', function(data){


'data.content.tree' lost keyboard focus.

	myTreeview.on('fluig.treeview.blurTree', function(data){


'data.content.node' was clicked. Return false to prevent default processing, i.e. activating, expanding, selecting, etc.

	myTreeview.on('fluig.treeview.click', function(data){


'data.content.node' was collapsed.

	myTreeview.on('fluig.treeview.collapse', function(data){


'data.content.node' was double-clicked. Return false to prevent default processing, i.e. expanding, etc.

	myTreeview.on('fluig.treeview.dblclick', function(data){


'data.content.node' was deactivated.

	myTreeview.on('fluig.treeview.deactivate', function(data){


'data.content.node' was expanded.

	myTreeview.on('fluig.treeview.expand', function(data){


'data.content.node' received keyboard focus.

	myTreeview.on('fluig.treeview.focus', function(data){


'data.content.tree' received keyboard focus.

	myTreeview.on('fluig.treeview.focusTree', function(data){


Node data was loaded.

	myTreeview.on('fluig.treeview.loadChildren', function(data){


A load error occurred. Return false to prevent default processing.

	myTreeview.on('fluig.treeview.loadError', function(data){


'data.content.node' was selected.

	myTreeview.on('fluig.treeview.select', function(data){